Workshop Offerings
Home | Workshop Offerings
Professional Development Offerings
Evaluation/Research Methodologies
Foundations of Evaluation
Applied Research Methods I & II
Mixed Methods in Evaluation
Culturally Responsive Evaluation
Survey Design
Best Practices in Data Collection and Management
Grant Writing/Resource Development Workshops
Grant writing 101
How to Write an Engaging Letter of Intent
How to Write an Effective Strategic Plan
Child/Adolescent Development
Normal Development in the First Ten Years of Life
Normal Development in Middle Childhood and Adolescence
The Importance of Temperament
Adolescent psychology/development- What are Fair Expectations
Loss and Trauma
Attachment and Loss in Childhood
Creating Trauma Sensitive Classrooms
Violence Prevention
Integrating Restorative Justice Practices into the Classroom
Bullying Prevention Strategies
How to Prevent, Recognize, and Respond to Bullying: A Training for All School Staff
Cyberbullying: What Can Be Done to Address It?
Gangs 101
Safe and Healthy Relationships in the Adolescent Years (for middle and
high school staff)
high school staff)
The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study- The Cumulative Effect of
Violence on Students’ Achievement
Violence on Students’ Achievement
The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children and Families
Instructional Strategies & Coaching
Conflict Management Training for Parent Coordinators
Conflict Management Training for Teachers
The Power of 2: Making a Difference Through Co-teaching
Educator Self-Care & Wellness
De-Escalation Techniques- Promoting a Non-Violent School Climate
Contact us for more information and to schedule an initial consultation.
Get In Touch
55 Broadway, Suite 417
New York, NY 10006 - (646) 248-7387